Title: Pecan Tarts

Yield: 3 Dozen

Category: Cookie



1. Pre-heat oven to 350 deg F.
2. Soften butter and warm eggs by leaving them out at room temperature.
3. Cream together cheese and butter. Add flour and blend well.
4. Shape dough into balls (approx. 3/4" - 1" diameter), and press into bottom and sides of an ungreased muffinette pan.

1. Beat eggs slightly, and add remaining ingredients. Mix well.
2. Spoon filling into shells.
3. Bake at 350 deg F for 30 minutes or until shell is lightly browned.
4. Let cool, and remove from tin.


If desired, finished tarts can be placed in tart wrappers (mini-cupcake wrappers) to make a nifty little display. It's something Martha(tm) would do.